Friday, December 9, 2011

General English

  • He always .................. his work on time:
    (A) has complete
    (B) complete
    (C) complete
    (D) will complete

  • She is very beautiful, ...............
    (A) Isn't it ?
    (B) Isn't she ?
    (C) Is she ?
    (D) Is it ?

  • He hasn’t got ............... manners.
    (A) a little
    (B) little
    (C) any
    (D) some

  • Choose the apt word showing the meaning of the italicized word in the sentence:Lincoln put an end to slavery in America.
    (A) established
    (B) introduced
    (C) abolished
    (D) banned

  • The adjective form of simplfy is:
    (A) simple
    (B) simplicity
    (C) simply
    (D) simpleton

  • Tom is very clever.......... physics and mathematics
    (A) about
    (B) at
    (C) of
    (D) by

  • One who has suddenly risen to wealth and importance:
    (A) burglar
    (B) upstart
    (C) amateur
    (D) stole

  • Poor people hardly get loans from nationalised banks, ........................?
    (A) don’t they
    (B) didn’t they
    (C) do they
    (D) did they

  • Opposite of the word ‘confident’:
    (A) secret
    (B) public
    (C) optional
    (D) diffident

  • Please stop................, you are disturbing the others in the library

    (A) talk
    (B) talks
    (C) have talk
    (D) talking

  • I asked the porter where ...............

    (A) was the ticket counter
    (B) the ticket counter was
    (C) the ticket counter were
    (D) is the ticket counter

  • Inspite of repeated failure he did not give ...... his attempt.

    (A) about
    (B) on
    (C) down
    (D) up

  • I ........ my examination yesterday.

    (A) write
    (B) was writing
    (C) wrote
    (D) had written

  • ‘Brevity’ means:

    (A) conciseness
    (B) lengthy
    (C) consignment
    (D) None of these

  • There is not ----- with me.

    (A) many luggages
    (B) a lot of luggages
    (C) some luggages
    (D) much luggage

  • The correctly spelt word is:

    (A) simultneous
    (B) saimultaneous
    (C) simultaneous
    (D) simultanios

  • ‘Immediate’ means:

    (A) distant
    (B) remote
    (C) near
    (D) sudden

  • Choose the correct preposition
    This loss of human lives canbe ascribed.............. two main causes

    (A) on
    (B) with
    (C) to
    (D) at

  • I have been waiting for him .............. morning.

    (A) since
    (B) in
    (C) at
    (D) about

  • ––––– stitch in time saves nine.

    (A) the
    (B) a
    (C) a few
    (D) the few
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