Wednesday, July 13, 2011

HSST Computer Science : Junior / Senior : Syllabi : Kerala PSC : Page 2

4. Relational Database Design and Query Languages

E-R diagrams, Transformation of E-R models to relational design, Normalization - INF, 2NF, 3NF,
BCNF and 4NF.
SQL : Data Definition Language ( DDL) , Data Manipulation Language (DML), Data Control
Language (CDL) Commands. Database objects like- Views, indexes, sequences, synonyms, data
dictionary, Embedded SQL, QBE
Query Processing and Optimisation, Centralised and Distributed Database, Security,
Concurrency and Recovery in Centralised and Distributed Database Systems, Object Oriented
Database Management Systems – Concepts, Composite objects, Integration with RDBMS
  5.     Data Structures and  Algorithms
Data, Information. Definition of data structure, Arrays, stacks, queues, linked lists, trees,
graphs, priority queues and heaps.
File Structures : Fields, records and files. Sequential, direct, index-sequential and relative
files. Hashing, inverted list and multi- lists, B-trees and B+ trees.
Graphs : Definition, walks, paths, connected graphs, regular and bipartite graphs, cycles and
circuits. Tree and rooted tree, Spanning trees, Eccentricity of a vertex radius and diameter of
a graph, Hamiltonian and Eulerian graphs. Planar graphs.
Sorting and Searching Algorithms, Analysis of Algorithms, Interpolation and Binary Search.
Asymptotic notations -  big oh. omega and theta. Average case analysis of simple programs
like finding of a maximum of n elements. Recursion. Quick sort.
Design of Algorithms (Divide and Conquer. Greedy method. Dynamic programming. Back
tracking. Branch and Bound).

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